CRIKC Activities

Year: 2025

1. February 28, 2025: A Lecture on "Awareness Talk on the occasion of Science Day for the Students of Department of Chemistry" by Prof. Satinder Kaur, CBT, Practitioner..
2. February 24, 2025: National Science Day 2025.
3. February 21-22, 2025: Prof. Ram Chand Paul National Symposium On Sustainable Development in chemical sciences: Innovation and Start-ups.
4. February 13, 2025: Lecture on Himalayan maple to cancer drug: Journey of a natural product
5. February 06, 2025: Wildlife conservation scenario in India by Professor Meva Singh at Panjab University, Chandigarh
6. January 23, 2025: Lecture on Nobel Prize in Physics 2024
7. January 16, 2025: National Startup Day Expert Talk on From Vision to Reality: Who, When and How to Build Startups That Solve Real Problems by Mr. Gurjot Singh Narwal, Founder and CEO Gini Health Inc at Department of Chemistry, Panjab University
8. January 13, 2025: International Conference on Fostering Industry-Academia Linkage and Effective Technology Transfer
9. January 09, 2025: A Lecture in the Loving Memory Professor Dip Singh Gill, Professor Emeritus on "Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles for Sustainable Applications" at Department of Chemistry, Panjab University.

Year: 2024

1. December 10, 2024: One day workshop on "Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) & Raman Spectroscopy" on 10th December, 2024 (Tuesday) at Department. of SAIF/CIL, Panjab University, Chandigarh. M/S PARK Systems ( South Korea ) & M/D RENISHAW (U.K) will deliver the workshop.
2. November 20, 2024: Lecture on "Nobel Prize in Literature 2024, Han Kang: Literature of Social Critique and Human Concerns” by Prof Pushpinder Syal at Mulk Raj Anand Auditorium, Arts Block I, Department of English & Cultural Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
3. November 11, 2024: Lecture on the occasion of National Education Day on "How To Be A Successful Researcher? " by Dr. Jitendra kumar Sahu, Department of Pediatrics, & Dr. Sadhan Das Department of Biological Sciences (IISER Mohali) at Department of Microbiology, Panjab University.
4. November 06-08, 2024: National Conference on "Indigenous Technologies for Viksit Bharat" 17th CHASCON at the Law Auditorium, Panjab University.
5. October 28, 2024: Lecture on "Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine-2024" by Prof. Rajat Sandhir, Department of Biochemistry & Dr. Sadhan Das Department of Biological Sciences (IISER Mohali) at Department of Microbiology, Panjab University.
6. September 17, 2024: Celebrated Engineer's Day on Sustainability Engineering by PU-YNU Students, Chief Guest and Speaker Dr. Shantanu Bhattacharya shares his thoughts on Engineering and his research on 'Biosensors and Microfluidics' at Dr. SSBUICET Auditorium.
7. September 15, 2024: Memorial Meeting (online) in Honour of PU Vigyan Rattan Dr. Girish Sahni at 11: AM.
8. May 10, 2024 Lecture on "National Technology Day” by Dr. CR Parthasarathy Director, CSIR-CSIO at the ISTC Auditorium, CSIR-CSIO.

Year: 2023-24

1. July 31-August 01, 2023: S-20/G-20 Outreach event on the theme "Science and Technology for Society" at Punjab Engineering College & Chitkara University Punjab.
2. September 05, 2023: CRIKC celebrated Teacher's Day series-III: "Expository Lectures by Decorated Teachers-Scientists from Chandigarh region" in 'Amrut Kaal (2023-47)' at biotechnology department, PU.
3. September 26-11 Nov, 2023: CRIKC provide premises to Centre for Distance and online Education (CDOE) conducts PCP classes for the graduation and post-graduation students. The classes are conducted for total 29 courses.
4. October 05, 2023: CRIKC Igniting Young Minds organized Teacher's Orientation Workshop for 31st National Children's Science Congress-2023 at Rajiv Gandhi College Bhawan, Panjab University.
5. October 12-14, 2023: CRIKC organized National Conference on "Global Science for Global Wellbeing" 16th CHASCON at Law Auditorium, PU.
6. November 06, 2023: CRIKC organized a Lecture on "Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2023" by Professor Javed N. Agrewala at Department of Microbology (BMS) Block1, Panjab University.
7. November 20, 2023: CRIKC organized an Expository Talk on "The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2023 has been awarded to the Norwegian author Jon Fosse, "for his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsay able" by Professor Pushpinder Syal at Mulk Raj Anand Auditorium, Department of English & Cultural Studies, Panjab University.
8. November 23-24, 2023: CRIKC organized a National Conference CHASSCONG-2023 on "Sustainable Development: Dimensions & Discourse" at P.L. Anand Auditorium, Dept. Of Evening Studies, PU.
9. December 18, 2023: CRIKC organized a Lecture on "The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2023 by Dr. Nishima Wangoo at Seminar Hall, Department of Physics, Panjab University.
10. January 21, 2024: CRIKC organized acommemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar at Bhatnagar Auditorium, Dr SSBUICET PU.
11. Feb 13-04 April, 2024: CRIKC provide premises to Centre for Distance and online Education (CDOE) conducts PCP classes for the graduation and post-graduation students. The classes are conducted for total 29 courses.
12. March 16, 2024: CRIKC organized a Lecture on "Waste to Wealth: Harnessing Sustainable Solution in Plastic Recycling" by Nikesh Jain Regional Manager Sales Shubham Extrusion and Jay Bhatt Project Manager Prasad Group at Bhatnagar Auditorium, Dr SSBUICET PU.
13. March 26-28, 2024: CRIKC organized a Festival of Science at DAV College Sector 10, Chandigarh.
14. April 20, 2024: CRIKC organized a RABMC-2024, It is a National Symposium being organized by the eight Premier Institutes of the Chandigarh Region and aims to bring together the eminent researchers as well as budding minds working in the fields of Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry at Department of Chemistry Panjab University, Chandigarh.

Year: 2023

1. January 12 : 'CRIKC Igniting Young Minds' organized a Post-Mentoring workshop of four state level (UT) projects selected for National Children's Science Congress 2022-23
2. at Panjab University (UIET).
3. January 26 : 'CRIKC Igniting Young Minds' organized a Flag-off for the Chandigarh (UT) Child Scientists team for the National Children Science Congress at Chandigarh Airport.
4. March 02 : 'CRIKC Igniting Young Minds' organized a Fostering Collaborations at Govt. Model Senior Secondary School, Sector 37B,Chandigarh.
5. March 06 : CRIKC Shodh Samwad organized a lecture on "The Indian Metropolis- Building Path to the Future" by Feroze Varun Gandhi at DAV College, Chandigarh.
6. April 25 : CRIKC Institutional Coordinators meeting was held at IISER. About 25 Coordinators from 15 different institutions attended the meeting and drew a roadmap for CRIKC activities.
7. April 26 : Under the aegis of Research Advisory Council meeting at Panjab University Chandigarh, President CRIKC Professor Renu Vig presided over the meeting and Directors/ Heads of 07 CRIKC Institutions deliberated on various aspects of strengthening this partnership.
8. May 11 : CRIKC organized an event on National Technology Day at Panjab University. Research Scholars from various institutions like PU, PGI, IISER, IIT Ropar, LM Thapar management School, IMTECH etc. actively participated in Panel Discussion under the banner of Shodh Samwad. The topic was Research in India@75 and looking forward to 2047. Prof Rajeev Ahuja Director IIT Ropar was the Plenary Speaker in the event organised in collaboration with SPSTI & TEC. Inventors from PU were facilitated by TEC.
9. June 07 : CRIKC Igniting Young Minds officially collaborated with Samagra Shikha UT Chandigarh for nurturing scientific culture, facilitating knowledge creation & innovation amongst Government schools in UT Chandigarh.
10. June 08 : CRIKC in collaboration with General Aeronautics Bengaluru launched an Advanced Drone Tech Centre in PU campus. This initiative is an inter-domain and Industry-Academia push towards revolutionising Agriculture.
11. June 10 : CRIKC Organized a Shodh Samwad on the theme "Machine Learning: Methods and Approach" at SAIF/CIL, PU. Scholars from University of North Texas, USA Ms Sarah Beaver & Mr Yashu Vashishast discussed Machine Learning and its utility in PhD Research
12. June 26-30 :CSIO Organized a One Week One Lab Campaign (OWOL) on the theme of Innovations: Present & Future by CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIR-CSIO) at Conference room (Director Floor) PU. CRIKC institutions participated in this programme.

Year: 2022

1. April 5, 2022: CRIKC buses/ shuttle: The buses were started after a gap of two years (Covid pandemic time), a route has been formed and circulated through Office of DSW and students have started to use this to interact with other CRIKC institutes.
2. April 12, 2022: The event which was organized under the aegis of Office of PSA was CRIKC-Swedish delegation linkup.
3. April 22, 2022: CRIKC organized 'Shodh Samvad' i.e. Shodh Chakra series an initiative to encourage interdisciplinary discussion amongst research scholar at PU (UIPS).
4. April 28, 2022: A lecture session held on "Tech@Amazon" from Manoj Garg, Software Engineering Manager (amazon) at PU (UIET).
5. April 28, 2022: A seminar on "Ukraine Crisis, Emerging World Order & Implications for India" at Golden Jubilee Hall PU.
6. April 29,2022: Talk by Dr Vivek Lal Neuropsychiatry PGI Chandigarh on " Science and Fiction Rebirth and Karma" at PU.
7. May 06, 2022: National Seminar on "Role of Agrochemicals for Sustainable Agriculture" Empowering farmers for a prosperous India. In coordination with Indian Chemical Council (Min of Petrochemicals) at Hotel Mountview Chandigarh.
8. May 31, 2022: CRIKC organized 'Shodh Samvad' i.e. Shodh Chakra series-I an initiative to encourage interdisciplinary discussion amongst research scholar at PU (UIPS).
9. June 01, 2022: A Brainstorming session on Resource Mapping within CRIKC in LeaP Organized by NIPER at Mohali.
10. June 22, 2022: Meetings with PGI doctors for potential collaboration in Advanced Eye Centre.
11. August 17 : CRIKC organized a Shodh Samwad on the Theme : Epigenetic Inheritance at Department of Zoology, PU.
12. August 24 : CRIKC organized a Shodh Samwadin collaboration with Biomedica lSciences in Biophysics, Prof Tripta Bhatia from IISER Mohali spoke on soft membranes, while Prof Dhiraj Mahajan from IIT Ropar spoke on Hydrogen Storage. Both Professors and their Research groups interacted with the audience.
13. September 17: 'CRIKC Igniting Young Minds' organized a Hands-on biology laboratory experiments & Mentorship session for a national level idea at Govt. Model High School (GMSH), Sector-22, Chandigarh.
14. September 23 : 'CRIKC Igniting Young Minds' organized a School Idea Competition for INSPIRE-MANAK at Govt. Model High School (GMSH), Sector-22, Chandigarh.
15. September 24 : 'CRIKC Igniting Young Minds' organized a workshop to generate project ideas for the forthcoming National Children Science Congress & submissions for INSPIRE-MANAK at Govt. Model High School (GMSH), Sector-22, Chandigarh.
16. September 28 : 'CRIKC Igniting Young Minds' organized an Idea Generation Sessions for National Children Science Congress & INSPIRE-MANAK at Govt. Model High School (GMSH), Sector-22, Chandigarh.
17. September 29 : 'CRIKC Igniting Young Minds' organized a Mentorship and Submission of four nominations for DST-INSPIRE-MANAK Awards at Govt. Model High School (GMSH), Sector-22, Chandigarh.
18. October 01 : CRIKC organised a talk on the theme 'My Story: a motivational session by a successful Start-up founder' at Govt. Model High School, Sector 22C, Chandigarh.
19. October 11 : CRIKC-Igniting Young Minds an organized a biology practical session at Govt. Model High School, Sector 22C, Chandigarh.
20. November 12 : CRIKC-CII Exhibition cum Industry Academia Meet was organized by Technology Enabling Centre (TEC), at Panjab University. More than 25 exhibits from Industry, Academia, Individuals were showcased.
21. November 18 : CRIKC organized a ShodhSamwad on the Theme : Artificial intelligence in Medical sciences at AIMS(Mohali). Researchers from Engineering, Medical, Physics and other domains participated.
22. December 02 :'CRIKC Igniting Young Minds' organized a Mentorship workshop to finalise project ideas for National Children Science Congress at Govt. Model High School (GMSH), Sector-22, Chandigarh.
23. December 03 : 'CRIKC Igniting Young Minds' organized a Developing projects to participate in National Children's Science Congress at Govt. Model High School (GMSH), Sector-22, Chandigarh.
24. December 05 : 'CRIKC Igniting Young Minds' organized a Mentorship for Two projects for National Children's Science Congress at Govt. Model High School (GMSH), Sector-22, Chandigarh.
25. December 07 : 'CRIKC Igniting Young Minds' organized aMentorship for Projects for National Children's Science Congress at Govt. Model High School (GMSH), Sector-22, Chandigarh.

Year: 2017

1. Workshop on Chandigarh Urban Observatory. [ Details ]

Year: 2016

1. 12-17 December, 2016: Sixth GIAN (Global Initiative of Academic Networks) workshop at the Panjab University campus. [ Details ]
2. 21-26 November, 2016: Fifth GIAN (Global Initiative of Academic Networks) workshop at the Panjab University campus. [ Details ]
3. 14-19 November, 2016: Fourth GIAN (Global Initiative of Academic Networks) workshop at the Panjab University campus. [ Details ]
4. 24-28 October, 2016: Third GIAN (Global Initiative of Academic Networks) workshop at the Panjab University campus. [ Details ]
5. 01-05 August, 2016: Second GIAN (Global Initiative of Academic Networks) workshop at the Panjab University campus. [ Details ]
7. 26 July, 2016: Australian High Commissioner to India met the PU Vice Chancellor Prof Arun Kumar Grover. Australian High Commissioner evinced keen interest to have closer relationship & CRIKC institutions [ Details ]
8. 22-28 March, 2016: First GIAN (Global Initiative of Academic Networks) workshop at the Panjab University campus. [ Details ]

Year: 2015

1. 08 December, 2015: University of Birmingham formalises links with CRIKC via Panjab University [ ]
2. 20 October, 2015: A joint research collaborating meeting between CRIKC institutions and Australia delegates was held on Oct 20, 2015 at PU, for long term relationship in terms of research collaboration via fast track funds, new symposia and conferences, both in academia and industrial sector.
3. 16th April 2015: The SECOND Lecture Series of CRIKC Bio-Club at IMTECH, Chandigarh.
4. 13th April 2015: Chemical and Other Bonds by Dr. Nilabh Shastri, Professor and Head, Division of Immunology and Pathogenesis, University of California, U.S.A. at Prof. R. C. Paul auditorium, Deptt. of Chemistry, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
5. 13 April 2015: A lecture entitled "Chemical and Other Bonds" by Dr. Nilabh Shastri, Prof. and Head, Division of Immunology and Pathogenesis, University of California, U.S.A. was held in the Dept of Chemistry, PU on April 13, 2015.
6. 13th April 2015: Can sustained stimulation of the retinal pigment epithelium reattach the retina? by Dr. Subrata Tripathi, Professor, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneshwar at Auditorium of Advanced Eye Care Centre, PGIMER, Chandigarh.
7. 12 March 2015: Professor N. Mukunda, Emeritus Professor, Centre for High Energy Physics, IISc, Bengaluru delivered a seminar titled "Science and the Human Predicament" on March 12, 2015 in the Dept of Physics, PU.
8. 9th Chandigarh Science Congress (CHASCON) - 2015, was organized by Panjab University in collaboration with other CRIKC institutions from Feburary 25 - 27, 2015. The conference was inaugurated by noted scientist Professor Padmanabhan Balram (Padam Bhushan, Padma Shri) former Director, Indian Institute of Sciences, Bengaluru, and also delivered a key note address on "Chemistry at the Fringes of Biology". The inaugural function was presided over by Professor Arun Grover, Vice Chancellor, Panjab University. (Website: CHASCON 2015)
9. 23 Feburary, 2015: Lecture entitled "Challenges at the Interface of Engineering, Data and Life Sciences" by Professor Shankar Subramaniam at IISER, Mohali.
10. University of Burgundy, France has shown interest in having collobration with CRIKC institutions. In this connection, Professor Franck Marzani and Professor Cedric Demonceaux has interaction with CRIKC faculty members from Feburary 13 - 15, 2015.
11. On Feburary 12, 2015, Dr. Peter Lund, Reader in Molecular Microbiology, School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, U.K. visited CRIKC institutes - PEC University of Technology and Panjab University and interacted with faculty members and delievered a scientific lecture on "Laboratory-based evolution as a technique to probe mechanisms of stress resistance" at Panjab University.
12. 11 Feburary, 2015: Lecture entitled "Goods and Services Tax: What and How?" by Professor Indira Rajaraman at PU Colloquium series at Panjab University.
13. 07 Feburary, 2015: Lecture entitled "Measuring Molecules: Mass Spectrometers in Science, Medicine and Business" by Professor R. Graham, Purdue Cooks at IISER, Mohali.
14. 02 Feburary, 2015: Lecture entitled "What we don't know that we know when we laugh at a joke: Human knowledge of linguistics" by Professor Ayesha Kidwai at PU Colloquium series at Panjab University.
15. CRIKC initiated an outreach program named as "PU OPEN Minds" (Panjab University Outreach Program for Enlightening and Nurturing Young Minds) for school students. The Outreach program was inaugurated by Prof. Arun Kumar Grover, Vice Chancellor, on 28th January 2015 at 10.30 am in the Physics auditorium of Panjab University and lectures by two eminent scientists, Professor O. P. Katare from University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (UIPS), Panjab University delivered a lecture entitled "My Life, My Goals: Answers are Easy, Questions are Difficult" and Professor Arvind from Indian Institute of Science Education & Research (IISER), Mohali also delivered a lecture entitled "A glimpse into the Quantum World".

Year: 2014

1.  Interaction of CRIKC institutions with Director Growth & Engagement-Home office London was organized on December 12, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. at Panjab University. The purpose of the interaction was to make Indian students aware about the study and employment opportunities available in England.
2.  1st outreach activity under Bio-Club, CRICK was orgnized on November 8, 2014 at Physics Auditorium, Panjab Univeristy
3.  "Conclave on Science Education - A Manifesto For India's Future" was held on November 29, 2014, ICSSR Seminar Hall, Panjab University. This conclave was held under the aegis of Observer Research Foundation, Mumbai (ORF, Mumbai) in association with CRICK and Society for Promotion of Science & Technology in India (SPSTI).
4.  A delegation consisting of Faculty members of Nottingham University and Officials of Nottingham visited CRIKC institutions on November 24, 2014, to concretise the possibilities of collaborations between the Nottingham University and CRIKC institutions.
5.  Department of Computer Science and Engineering of PEC University Technology in association with CRIKC has organized a one day workshop "Research Scholars Congregation's Future" at PEC University of Technology on November 12, 2014. (Website: PEC)
6.  The British Council and CRIKC had organized an inter-university competition "The Great Debate - 2014" on the topic "Social media has made the world dangerous and unstable". The event was held on 12th September, 2014 at 2:30 pm, in the Golden Jubilee Hall at Panjab University, Chandigarh. The debate was judged by David Lelliott, British Deputy High Commissioner, Chandigarh, Sumita Misra, Secretary, Tourism, Hospitality & Transport, MD Haryana Tourism Corporation, & Transport Commissioner, Govt of Haryana, Gaurav Arora, Head of Programmes, North India, British Council and chaired by Ms. Supreet Dhiman, Association of British Scholars.
7.  A delegation of 7 members from CRIKC institutions lead by Professor Arun Grover, Vice Chancellor, Panjab University visited U.K., for study and networking with UK Universities from August 26 - September 2, 2014.
 Rest of the activities are available in the Annual Report 2013-14.

Year: 2013

1. CRIKC participation in workshop held at IIT Ropar on 2nd July, 2013. The theme of the workshop "Eradicating the problem of open field burning in India: turning agricultural waste into energy", emerging out of in IIT Ropar - Aston University U.K. initiative.
2. Panjab University along with CRIKC is going to host 79th annual meeting of Indian Academy of Sciences from November 8thh to 10th at PU Chandigarh with the activities on 9th and 10th to be held in other institutions associated with CRIKC, viz., CSIR-IMTECH and IISER Mohali.
3. This was followed by another visit of Mr. Rob on 24th July to Chandigarh.
4. Director British Council in India, Mr. Rob Lynes, has already visited PU to explore CRIKC as a facilitator to promote interaction between British Universities and Chandigarh region institutions.
5. Visit by Japanese delegation from AIST at P.U., Campus to explore collaboration in Biological Sciences.
6. National Technology Day lecture on May 11, 2013 at P.U., Chandigarh by Dr Girish Sahni, Director CSIR Institute of Microbial Technology, 'Challenges and Opportunity for Translation of Science for Public Good'
7. Professor Richard Jones, a Distinguished Professor at Oxford University, U.K. and President Physiological Society, U.K., was hosted by CRIKC at PGIMER as a one stop interaction point for all the institutions in the region. He delivered a lecture entitled: Spatial Ca2+/H+ ion coupling in the heart: a key substrate for arrhythmia?
8. Prof. Yehiam Prior, a Distinguished Professor in Chemical Physics at Weizmann Institute of Science Israel visited P.U. Campus, PGIMER and IISER, Mohali and gave two lectures at P.U. and IISER.
9. Lecture by Shri Pawan Agarwal, Advisor Higher Education Planning Commission' entitled, Higher Education in the 12th Plan and Beyond: Strategy and Approach'
10. Lecture by Sam Pitroda entitled, 'Importance of Information Technology Infrastructure in Growth and Development of the Nation' 23rd January, 2013.